Figured works with hundreds of agri-advisory practices around the world. From this experience, we’ve developed a handy guide to help you accelerate growth and standardise success for your firm and your farming clients.
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"When you're looking at the Figured information, you can do that with real confidence. That's because Figured and Xero are fully integrated. So you know that the Figured information fully stacks up with the financial information. There's not two sets of books or information in the spreadsheet, like in the old days."
"Forecasting in Figured is incredibly easy. We can take actuals from Xero from previous years and build them into budgets and forecast going forward. That saves a lot of time and it's incredibly efficient."
"It is user-friendly and the information I get out is easy to understand. I love that payout prices are automatically updated and recalculated. It's cut the amount of time in half that I used to spend on my accounts."