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"Figured farmers are empowering themselves to take control of their finances and futures. Discussions are about going forward - the plan, the next steps - we're no longer always working in the past."
“Figured’s been great, especially for setting up budgets, forecasting cash flow, and just having the confidence to understand the why behind what we’re doing. You can set up a budget and know exactly how you’re going to track for the season, and that we’re not going to make any knee-jerk reactions.”
"Knowing in real time where my farm's financial and livestock numbers are is a great advantage. Now I can be out on the land with confidence that the financial side of the business is under control."
"It makes your finances and livestock so much easier to handle - giving you up to date information that allows you to make better decisions."
“The things we are currently doing is to try and make stuff on farm simpler for staff and ourselves. Figured helps us with that because it means that whole off-farm team can see exactly where the business is at any given time.”
"Figured’s been a real key part of our business in the last couple of years. Being a great cashflow and budgeting tool means we can keep a really close eye on the financial health of both businesses. All of our advisory teams have live access to it and we can all be on the same page."
“With real-time reporting, any changes that we make go straight away into the budget - an increase or decrease in payout, increase in cost, things like that can come up straight away so you’re able to forecast where you are and see where your cashflows are.”
"It is user-friendly and the information I get out is easy to understand. I love that payout prices are automatically updated and recalculated. It's cut the amount of time in half that I used to spend on my accounts."