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Introducing the Figured Advisor’s Dashboard:

Model, monitor, and address risk & opportunity across your entire client portfolio

Insights Dashboard Header

Farmers need agri advisors who can provide clarity in times of uncertainty.


Farmers have always faced uncertainty, it’s the nature of the business. With increased volatility in prices, costs and weather, budgets quickly become out-of-date.

For accountants, there is now even greater pressure to provide updated forecasts & budgets to as many clients as possible to mitigate risk and build trust across their portfolio.

But it’s never been easy to pin-point those farmers who need your help the most.

For most firms, providing updated forecasts & budgets is done reactively and puts added pressure on already stretched resources. This ad hoc approach often causes friction in day-to-day workflows and is increasingly inefficient as client demand grows. 

Firms end up providing these essential services to only those clients where the bank requires it or to an existing group of their top-end advisory clients - who aren’t necessarily the clients that need it the most.

Agri firms can now model and monitor client risk & opportunity across their entire portfolio with the Figured Advisor’s Dashboard and get ahead of the game.

Introducing the Figured Advisor’s Dashboard
A new feature in Figured Insights that provides a view of a firm’s entire client portfolio grouped by their level of risk

The dashboard uses either farms’ actuals or forecast data and models outcomes using current or anticipated conditions.

When logging into Figured Insights, accountants can immediately identify:

  • Clients that are at risk of being unable to meet their interest payment obligations.
  • Clients facing the need to potentially deleverage or consider alternative capital options.
  • Clients that are in a position to act on an opportunity

Accountants that can instantly identify their client’s risk & opportunity create more value.

By bringing a single, actionable issue to attention, the conversation becomes more valuable for your clients and your firm.

The Advisor’s Dashboard & Figured platform for all your agri services

Figured Insights


Figured Insights

The ultimate practice tool for firms to unlock more value-added service opportunities.

  • The Figured Advisor’s Dashboard: Monitor your entire client portfolio through a dashboard view to identify clients facing risk or opportunities.
  • Model changes in livestock or dairy prices across your portfolio and see which farms are most affected. For example, instantly see interest coverage ratios and identify those who are at risk. 

Farm Manager

Planning 1

Farm Manager

Powerful three-way month-by-month forecasting to scale planning services across all your farming clients.

  • Create a budget, forecast, and annual plan for your clients with up-to-date financial and production data.
  • Monitor variance on an ongoing basis, reforecast when needed, and make planning a year-round rather than a one-off opportunity with your clients as conditions and on-farm performance changes.

Farm Reporter

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Farm Reporter

Agri-specific reporting that enables you to lay the foundation to scale high-value services across your portfolio.

  • Accessible scenario planning for all your agri clients. Easily model the impact of external factors like El Niño to give a clear view of what it means for them.
  • Give clients the ability to look years into the future as well as the current season.
  • Easily understand and report on farm performance across key ratios and KPIs.
  • Prepare and report on Statement of Financial Position to provide guidance on equity and optionality.

Figured Insights

The ultimate practice tool for firms to unlock more value-added service opportunities.

  • The Figured Advisor’s Dashboard: Monitor your entire client portfolio through a dashboard view to identify clients facing risk or opportunities.
  • Model changes in livestock or dairy prices across your portfolio and see which farms are most affected. For example, instantly see interest coverage ratios and identify those who are at risk. 
Planning 1

Farm Manager

Powerful three-way month-by-month forecasting to scale planning services across all your farming clients.

  • Create a budget, forecast, and annual plan for your clients with up-to-date financial and production data.
  • Monitor variance on an ongoing basis, reforecast when needed, and make planning a year-round rather than a one-off opportunity with your clients as conditions and on-farm performance changes.
Scenarios - expanded3

Farm Reporter

Agri-specific reporting that enables you to lay the foundation to scale high-value services across your portfolio.

  • Accessible scenario planning for all your agri clients. Easily model the impact of external factors like El Niño to give a clear view of what it means for them.
  • Give clients the ability to look years into the future as well as the current season.
  • Easily understand and report on farm performance across key ratios and KPIs.
  • Prepare and report on Statement of Financial Position to provide guidance on equity and optionality.

Identify risk & opportunity with the Figured’s Advisor’s dashboard

We’re putting opportunities with your clients right at your fingertips.

The Figured Advisor’s Dashboard will immediately identify an actionable conversation for you to have with your clients to make each engagement more valuable.

Use the Figured Advisor's Dashboard during seasonal and one-off events such as:

Livestock & Dairy price adjustments

With commodity prices in a state of volatility, see how rising or falling prices will affect client profitability and their debt serviceability. 

Significant weather event e.g. El Niño

What will an exceptionally hot and dry summer mean for all your clients? Immediately see the impact.

Interest rate adjustment

Help clients understand the impact of rising or falling rates on their ability to service their loans.

Adjustments in farm working costs

See how your entire portfolio of clients will be impacted when fert, feed, staff or other costs change.

EOY reporting/annual review

Prepare for annual reporting engagements to focus the conversation around actionable insights for your clients.

Promoting higher value services to clients

Identify which clients are in the greatest need of your service to target them instead of broadly promoting to all clients.

Activating the Advisor’s Dashboard as part of the Figured Platform

1) In-season Event Occurs
As and when an event happens in the market, step into your Figured Advisor's dashboard to view the live model showing the forecasted impact on your clients.

2) View Dashboard to assess risk & opportunity across all clients
Immediately identify where all of your clients sit on the risk and opportunity quadrants and determine which farms require immediate attention.

3) Investigate alternative models if required
Click to the modelling page to assess & adjust assumptions based on what you know is true and start taking action.

4) Client Engagement
Engage with your clients with a targeted and focused conversation:

  • For those at risk: front foot a discussion to proactively plan towards a better outcome, make adjustments, and get bank-ready if needed.

  • For those presented with an opportunity: present some options for immediate actions and long-term planning.

5) Scenario Plan Options
Quickly use Figured’s Scenario Planner tool to model each viable option to show the upside and cost of each possible decision.

6) Make a Plan
Help clients to acknowledge the situation and agree to make a plan.

  • For clients on Farm Manager: build a plan in the planning grid
  • For clients on Farm reporter: build a scenario plan 

7) Schedule Ongoing Reviews
Set up quarterly or half-yearly reviews to monitor how clients are tracking to plan.

For clients on Farm Manager: create a report pack with a variance and cash flow report. Assess the plan and decide if adjustments are needed.

For clients on Farm Reporter: review the initial scenario plan and assess the farm’s current position and if the farm is tracking to plan or if a new scenario plan is needed.

8) The Outcome
  • Help clients build more resilient & agile businesses.
  • Demonstrate the value in ongoing planning and staying on top of your numbers.

Get in touch & start using the full extent of the Figured Advisor’s Dashboard to scale your agri-planning services.

Extend your use of the Figured Platform

And start scaling your agri services today

Figured Insights

The Advisor's Dashboard,
on-demand modelling & benchmarking

Farm Manager

Three-way forecasting & production tracking

Farm Reporter

Agri-specific reporting automation and ‘what if’ Scenario modelling

What Figured partners say

"The increased collaboration with our clients gives us a greater depth and knowledge of their goals and what they’re seeking to achieve."

"Figured is a great tool for financial management reporting because it really allows the opportunity for us to help clients establish a great structure around their financial reporting system that actually gives them meaningful information."

“With Figured and cloud accounting software working together, we can see where things will end up in 5-to-10 years. You’ve got real numbers and good reports, and it gives farmers something to think about and tangible to work on.”

Keen to learn how you can get more out of Figured?