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Value-Added Agri Services

with existing staff & client touchpoints

Figured enables you to produce high-value outputs with your existing client engagements, workflows, and personnel. Enhance client relationships and generate more revenue for your firm today with Figured.

Planning header - 6 Nov

Add value to your existing customers with Figured’s Platform for agri services

Position yourself to create new value for your clients

Differentiate your firm from your competitors

Promote your firm as understanding the modern market

Start building the capabilities you need for future success

Who is Figured for?

Figured is perfect for any accountant with farming clients.

Agri accounting is unique and complex. It requires staff and expertise that in this market, is hard to come by. If you or your team experience any of the following:
Customers not actively asking for new services

Lack of clarity on what clients see as valuable

Fear of moving into unfamiliar territory

Skill limitations due to reliance on Partners & Directors

Figured has solutions that are easy to implement and will deliver immediate value to you and your clients right out the box.
Get in touch to see how Figured can support your firm to achieve more.

Accountants are providing higher value services to over 30,000 farms with the help of Figured

Achieve triple-digit revenue growth by empowering your staff to deliver agri-specific reporting, information and insights. All out-of-the-box.
Digitise your data and let Figured produce farm financial and production reports at scale, without having to disrupt your existing internal processes. Easily surface reports and insights to clients during quarterly BAS meetings or any existing client engagements to create new revenue opportunities for your firm.

Firms without Figured

  • Risk suffering scope creep & write-offs

  • Loss in reputation and clients when they cannot effectively deliver a service they promote

  • Demotivated staff due to limited time & resources

Firms with Figured

  • Valued more by their clients

  • Differentiated from competitors

  • Positioned as an employer of choice with staff empowered to better service their clients

Find out what Figured can do for you

Figured equips you with the data & insights you need to confidently initiate deeper conversations with your clients that deliver higher revenue to your firm.

Figured has productised  processes that were traditionally time and resource-intensive so you can deliver high value outputs right out-of-the-box.

Agri-specific compliance tools

Crop, dairy & livestock production tracking

Forward-focused scenario planning tools

Automate & schedule report packs

Scaling value-added services means you not only scale billing, but you scale positive client relationships too.


of farmers who receive these value-added services consider their accountant to be “really valuable”
(only 23% do so when their engagement is solely compliance!).

AU Est CAS Webinar Series - Invite - 14 Feb
Watch the live webinar series
Establish Value-Added Agri Accounting Services
with existing staff & client touchpoints

Join Figured on our two-part live webinar series and discover how cloud accounting technology and specialist industry agri accounting solutions help firms extend their agri service offering to deliver greater client satisfaction and increased billings.

Figured integrationns

Figured works with the best

Figured integrates directly with Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks Online on a single ledger, so your accounting software is always the source of truth for data, meaning no double handling.

Set-up is simple and we provide hands-on support to make getting started a breeze.


Diver deeper into Figured
Learn how to start scaling your agri services today.

Farm Reporter

Agri-specific report automation and ‘what if’ scenario modelling

Learn More

Farm Manager

Three-way forecasting & production tracking


Figured Insights

On-demand modelling & benchmarking


Hear why accountants & their clients love using Figured

“With Figured and cloud accounting software working together, we can see where things will end up in 5-to-10 years. You’ve got real numbers and good reports, and it gives farmers something to think about and tangible to work on.”

"The increased collaboration with our clients gives us a greater depth and knowledge of their goals and what they’re seeking to achieve."

"Figured is a great tool for financial management reporting because it really allows the opportunity for us to help clients establish a great structure around their financial reporting system that actually gives them meaningful information."

Have questions about Figured? Let us know!

Keen to learn how you can get more out of Figured?