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Figured at Fieldays 2018 - The Future of Farming

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Figured at Fieldays 2018 - The Future of Farming
By Admin

The biggest event on New Zealand’s farming calendar is here next month. Mystery Creek Fieldays runs from 13-16 June 2018, and we’re excited to once again be on site with Xero. As a principal sponsor of the event, Xero are continuing to demonstrate their commitment to supporting the rural sector, and we’re proud to be alongside them to help deliver the best financial management solution for New Zealand's farmers.

This year is the 50th anniversary of the iconic national event. To recognise this milestone, this year's theme is ‘The Future of Farming', acknowledging the objective that has continued to remain at the core of this event - advancing agriculture through innovation, technology, education and internationalisation.

The Future of Farming

Today’s farmers want the best tools - that includes tools for managing their finances. In an industry with constantly changing conditions, profitable farmers are the ones that successfully control the controllables. It’s a sentiment that is also backed by leading New Zealand banks, ASB and BNZ. Our partnership with these innovative banking partners reiterates the statement that Figured is a valuable tool for the development of New Zealand agribusiness. It also means that in working closely with our banking partners, Figured can continue to develop a product that best meets the needs of today’s farmers.

What’s in store from Figured at Fieldays?

This is our 5th year of attending the annual agricultural event, and we’ve come a long way since our launch of v2 at Fieldays in 2015. Over these past few years we’ve seen our proposition continue to resonate with farmers, as they seek not just a great tool for managing their finances, but a better way to collaborate with their key advisors for greater insight around their business performance.

We’ve proved that this collaborative farming concept works - farmers want the ability to easily share and communicate about financial information with their farming team, and accountants want better visibility over their clients’ businesses, so they can provide higher value advice.

Each year at Fieldays, our focus has always been to demonstrate that Figured is a financial management tool that is fit for the future of farming, and this year is no different.

You’ll see that we’ve continued to innovate, focusing on enhanced functionality and product integrations. We believe a financial management tool fit for the future of farming looks beyond compliance tools to deliver richer insights. We’re working to provide this through benchmarking, scenario planning and integration with on-farm software. These features are part of a continuous step in our vision to lift the financial performance of an industry that is integral to the overall success of the New Zealand economy.

Find us at Fieldays

We’ll once again be on the Xero stand in the main pavilion, site PC47, PC49 and PC51. So make sure you come by the stand, grab a coffee and catch up with the Figured team.

You'll have the opportunity to speak to product specialists, receive a demonstration of Figured in action, see the latest product updates and ask any questions you may have about how Figured and Xero will work for your farming business. See you there.