Clarity over the farm's performance drives bold decisions to enable farm expansion
"For anybody that's looking for more powerful tools to operate their business, Figured has everything you need, look no further." - Jarod Creed, JC Ag Financial Services
Garrett Land & Cattle is a 7,000-acre livestock and crop farm based in Iowa. Kelly Garrett is the 6th generation on the land, running the farm alongside his three sons. Over the years, as Kelly expanded the family farm and grew its operations, it became evident that the old way of managing the farm’s finances - through spreadsheets and outdated systems wasn’t going to cut it anymore. Enter Jarrod Creed and Jeff Janssen from JC Ag Financial Services.
Together with Kelly, they developed a better way of working using Figured - to build and maintain an accurate view of the farm’s performance, in real-time, to help respond to market changes and help plan for the future. With the increase in confidence, knowing his numbers on any given day are up to date, Kelly continues to make bold decisions. Kelly’s always looking at ways to expand their operations and innovate, whether it’s direct-to-consumer sales of beef, cutting out the middleman, or selling the first Carbon credits in the U.S.
Watch their story to see how Figured has helped the entire farming team, from farmer to adviser, come together using innovative cloud-based software to get clarity and control over the farm finances.
Kelly Garrett
"It's not a job, it's a lifestyle or a calling. We farm about 7,000 acres and my three sons are now involved - the seventh generation. I started with the spreadsheets. I started with the financial software, doing it myself. And then as we grew, I had a couple of good years, but then I had a bad year, and I knew Jared from a previous job and he took me on. I will tell people now that the numbers and the data and the security we get from Jared and Jeff is paramount to our success."
Jarod Creed
"The best thing about my job is actually working with the farmer. Kelly has a special type of drive and ambition. If he sees an opportunity, he's gonna go after it."
Jeff Janssen
"Now he's able to take the information that he has and have even a deeper knowledge of his operation, which allows him to make more accurate decisions for how he wants to grow his operation."
Kelly Garrett
"I will say that you've never met anybody with more gamble, but I really don't feel that I take that many gambles because of the information that I have."
Jeff Janssen
"With Figured, I'm able to work with our customers and show them real-time what their year-end is going to be, which saves a tremendous amount of time. So they are always forward-looking. We're not looking back."
Kelly Garrett
"Jeff is 30 miles away. Sabrina, our bookkeeper, is up here and they can all work off of Figured at the same time. It gives you a lot of freedom of movement."
Jarod Creed
"For anybody that's looking for more powerful tools to operate their business, Figured has everything you need, look no further."